It is never too early to start developing a Succession Planning framework

Succession Planning is a business strategy organisations use to build the next generation of leaders needed for growth and sustainability. Succession planning allows the organisation to identify the key personnel across the different levels in the organisation and to develop action plans for incumbents to take on these positions. Succession planning mitigates business risks and ensures that business operations are run smoothly in the event of unforeseen circumstances. 

The common misconception that people have of succession planning is that it is only relevant to large organisations. This is, however, untrue. It is relevant for organisations of every size and it should be a well-thought process to identify and prepare the employees for the future. It involves working on bespoke career development strategies to manage and retain the identified successors. 

How can your organisation benefit from having a well-designed Succession Planning framework?

It is never too early to start developing a Succession Planning framework. A well-developed succession planning framework helps organisations:

  • Identify critical positions required for business growth and sustainability
  • Minimise the risk of losing top talent and retain the corporate knowledge
  • Identify employees’ developmental needs and career aspirations which will help build a learning culture and an engaged and motivated workforce
  • Reduce the costs of hiring and developing of candidates
How can EON help you achieve the results?

EON focuses on the following main aspects to help you develop a Succession Planning framework that is relevant to your business context and culture:

  • Define the succession planning process and procedures
  • Develop essential tools and templates to support the execution
  • Identify the roles & responsibilities of various stakeholders for succession planning

If you have any enquiries, please contact us at [email protected] or call us at 6220 4008.

Alternatively, you may wish to fill out an enquiry form here.
